3 Fantastic Techniques to Quickly Learn Anything

Posted on Jun 7, 2022 by Michael


Learning a new subject or skill can be fraught with anxiety and procrastination.

However, you can quickly feel at home and master your craft with the proper techniques.

Experience - The Holy Grail

A book bag, notepad, pencil and other learning materials on a desk

You probably learned how to ride a bicycle as a kid, even though the task seemed daunting initially.

You found your balance by experiencing what worked and what didn’t, scraping your elbows and knees along the way.

The key term here is experience, and its differentiation from knowledge is where we must begin on our path to mastery.

Knowledge is mere potentiality. Experience is the application of knowledge.

Knowledge allows us to think of a thing, whereas experience enables us to think from it and thus live it.

After all, this distinction is the virtue behind the statement:

“It is just like riding a bicycle.”

Once you experience your balance for the first time, you never lose it.

Next, we will explore how Chunking, Pattern Recognition, and Repetition can accelerate your experience.

1. Chunking

To chunk is to consume tiny bits of information at a time towards attaining a complete understanding.

Of course, a prerequisite to this action is to logically decompose the challenge, be it a new subject or a skill, into simple components.

A common mistake when chunking is to focus on one component at a time through completion. This error slows the learning process because your brain works best in a nonlinear fashion.

A more effective way to learn is to cycle through all the chunks in multiple passes at increasing levels of depth. Each cycle raises the overall clarity of the whole.

2. Pattern Recognition

Patterns begin to emerge as you chunk, allowing you to see previously hidden connections.

With Pattern Recognition, you inverse the well-known axiom and see the trees from the forest, which leads to much more profound insights.

Patterns help to better remember isolated facts by emphasizing their connections.

3. Repetition

Lastly, there is Repetition.

Have you ever listened to a song or read a book repeatedly and discovered something new that you swore was not there before?

Obviously, the content did not change.

So what did?

You, of course!

Each time you experience the same content, you do so with fresh eyes, giving importance to what previously held no significance. Your Reticular Activating System (RAS) is at play here, and yes, you have one of them.

The RAS is your mind’s filter, and it is vigilant of your current level of consciousness.

This is why revisiting a new subject frequently is key to accelerating your understanding and experience.

How we use these techniques with Cassava

A chart showing Round Allocations for an Experience

Cassava allows authors to present a training program as an Experience.

Chunking begins by dividing the training into top-level Disciplines, which are further subdivided into Principles. A Discipline has multiple Principles, and the purpose of each is to expound on the concept in greater depth.

Next up is the design of the distribution. This is where Pattern Recognition and Repetition come into play. We interweave Principles from all Disciplines into Rounds and distribute one Round at a time to an audience.

Interweaving allows the same Discipline to be seen multiple times from the different perspectives of its Principles. This approach is superior to focusing entirely on one Discipline through completion before advancing to the next.

These three learning techniques are leveraged in Cassava with effortless effort.

One other significant aspect of Cassava is that we deliver these Experiences to your audience where they are, which drives engagement and adoption.


So there you have it. By employing Chunking, Pattern Recognition, and Repetition, you can quickly up-level your skills or those of your audience in the case of Cassava.

Your feedback is welcomed as always.


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John Smith @johnsmith 31m
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John Smith @johnsmith 31m
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ornare magna eros, eu pellentesque tortor sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit vestibulum ut. Maecenas non massa sem. Etiam finibus odio quis feugiat facilisis.